On Dec  9, 1997, at 15:34, Matthew R. Briggs wrote:
 > No, I don't think that will do it.  He's talking about ntldr and boot.ini,
 > which NT places in the root directory of the boot drive...in his case a
 > 300MB FAT partition.  If he reformats for ext2, the NT boot loader will
 > not exist anymore, and even his NT Emergency Boot Disk will not be able to
 > save him.
 > Matthew, unfortunately there isn't much you can do in this situation if
 > you want to keep NT.  If you're willing to reinstall NT, make NT live on
 > the boot partition and format the whole thing NTFS.  ntldr and boot.ini
 > will go into the NTFS partition, and you can use "bootsect" to boot Linux
 > from the NT boot prompt...they can co-exist quite happily at that point. 
 > But at the moment, you won't be able to use that FAT partition for Linux
 > unless you go with umsdos, which is a whole different can of worms.

If those two files don't have to be at a fixed location (that is, they
can be copied around the FAT partition), you could also try this:

1. Delete all unnecessary files from the FAT partition, and defrag the

2. Use FIPS to shrink the FAT partition to its minimal size, and
   create a new partition with the remaining space.

3. Format the new partition as ext2 and install Debian on it.

I like Matt's solution better, though.

 > Matt

Gonzalo Diethelm # Windows 95: n. 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally 
 =Debian Linux=  # coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
 www.debian.org  # company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.

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