[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark W. Eichin) writes:

> > Check out the forwarded message below.  I get the same error using
> > Debian unstable.  Does this mean that Red Hat has thread-safe X libs
> > and we don't?
> Well, I wouldn't mistake that for a bug report...  no indication of
> *what* is producing the error, why it would have *anything* to do with
> the thread-safe libraries, or that it actually *does* work on RH5.  If
> the program was built with libc5, it's unlikely to be able to be
> thread safe.
> If you could perhaps come up with a *real* demonstration, and an
> indication of what release you tested it against, it might actually
> mean something... or at least it would give me a starting point to
> look for the problem.  Every X release for a long time has been built
> _REENTRANT, and the 3.3.1 libs are built with some threading options
> turned on (I'd have to look at the config files to see what, though.)

It wasn't intended to be a bug report.  I'm not expecting anybody to debug
the problem.  I just had the same runtime error as the other guy (I compiled
on my hamm system), and I didn't know if I should buy into Elliot Lee's
explanation of the cause.

I was just looking for confirmation that Debian has thread-safe X libs.  So
I can now tell Elliot that there is a real bug somewhere, and it's not the
fault of not having thread safe libs.

I'll move the discussion back to the Gnome list now.  If Debian has
thread-safe X libs (as you say, and as I thought), then the problem
needs some deeper debugging.  If it turns out that Red Hat has set up
their X differently than Debian, I'll get back to you.

Thanks for the quick response.


 - Jim

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