On Tue, Dec 16, 1997 at 12:01:28PM +0500, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> [You (Sten Anderson)]
> >I am not a developer, but I have a few comments. 
> >
> >When I run dselect, I see some Emacs packages as seperate deb
> >packages, e.g. auctex. Now, I prefer XEmacs, which includes auctex,
> >but how could I know that? Either make such packages shared between
> >GNU and XEmacs, or write in the control file: GNU Emacs only. 
> Ick.  Well that would break developer policy in the sense that you'd have 
> to pretty significantly hack on the stock XEmacs distibution (which 
> bundles all this) if you wanted to cut out these lisp packages.  And I 
> don't think it would be worth it since sometimes they are slightly 
> different versions.
> Really, the way for a user to know is to either notice that the package 
> depends on Emacs19 (not XEmacs) and/or if there's a blurb in the 
> description that says that the package is part of XEmacs.  I'm pretty 
> sure most of the lisp packages already have this blurb; I encourage you 
> to go thru and check and submit bug report (wishlist items?) if not.

I've had a look at all the current packages, details are below (some
programs are probably fine). I think most of these packages should be
"fixed" is someway - either:
   depending on emacs|xemacs
   description includes "does not work with Xemacs"
   description includes "already included with Xemacs"

As an aside, these packages *shouldn't* have "conflicts Xemacs" as you might
want to install emacs and Xemacs at the same time. One of the things about
installing xemacs and emacs was sharing files (just the .els?) - if this is
done, is there a problem when someone installs auctex for emacs and they
have xemacs installed?

Cheers - details follow...

packages which seem fine
vm (depends on emacs, says it is already included in xemacs)
cvs-pcl (ditto)
tm (depends on xemacs|emacs)

packages with bugs?
suggests emacs, no mention of xemacs:
depend on emacs, no mention of xemacs:
  mailcrypt (emacs >=19.28-1)
  calc (emacs >=19.34)
  emacs-czech (emacs >=19.30)


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