Sten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If elisp files should be compiled in a postinst script, then which
> postint script should do it?

It should just be handled the same way as the menu package.  It'll
usually be the postinst of the package installing the .el files.  All
of these packages will either depend on a virtual package
"emacs-editor", or be such an editor.

To close the loop, each of the editors will have a postinst that scans
the "database" of installed emacs files and byte-compiles each one
that needs to be byte-compiled for itself (think Makefile patter
rule).  This scanner will just be the flip-side to the "install-elisp"

> What is installed first - dpkg-dev or emacs? In addition, an
> otherwise portable elisp file becomes unportable when compiled.

In the scenario I described above, it doesn't matter.

The portability argument is a red herring.  Byte compiling leaves the
elisp file just as portable as it ever was.  It's the .elc file that
gets generated that's emacs version specific.  However, it is still
portable in the sense that it's architecture independent.  What were
you talking about?

> There is no need to require that a file like debian-changelog-mode.el
> is compiled. If the user wants such a file compiled he can do it
> himself and put the compiled file in a /usr/local directory.   

Why add this hassle if we don't have to?  I have yet to see a good
argument not to make it automatic.
> Large elisp packages, like auctex or vm, are either included in the
> emacsen, or specific for GNU or XEmacs, thus they are already compiled 
> in the package. 

Even if this is true across the board, it may not always be true.  We
should plan for a scalable solution.

> The most important thing is that the shared directory issue is
> solved, and this is best done by not compiling elisp files from
> packages otherwise unrelated to emacsen.

I agree that the shared directory is important; I disagree with your

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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