[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark W. Eichin) writes:

> I'll note that emacs19 does what was right at one point, *before*
> liblockfile was written; I don't know if they're compatible but figure
> that before debian 2.0 it would be safest to code up a fix.  (Or steal
> your code from emacs20 :-)

My suspicion is that the way it's done now in emacs 19 will still work
as well as it did before, which is probably fine for everything but
NFS.  Using maillock would fix the problem completely, but will
probably require some code weaselry.

Unfortunately, the policy says to check the implementation in maillock
to see if you're compatible, and the manpage for maillock says to see
lockfile_create(3), which doesn't exist.  I'll have to UTLSL, but I
may release an initial package before doing all that.  Things won't be
any worse than they are now, and then then I can see about fixing
both emacsen.

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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