[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:

> >>>>> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Rob> Assuming you're right, and movemail is used for all mail
>     Rob> locking, then if we patch movemail to use liblockfile, we
>     Rob> should be fine.
>  I volunteer to try rolling those patches into XEmacs 20.5.  I think
>  that configure ought to detect `liblockfile' and compile `movemail'
>  accordingly.  Sound right?

Maybe you already knew this, but I just got around to looking at the
movemail source for emacs 20, and it really looks like movemail
already knows how to handle liblockfile.  Check out MAIL_USE_MAILLOCK

If someone who knows liblockfile better than I do gets motivated
before I do, please check movemail to make sure it really is doing the
right thing when those vars are defined, and let me know.


Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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