Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
>  I find that if you put:
>  ... into debian/rules, the DH_VERBOSE=1 starts to function.

Thats unnecessary, you only need to export DH_VERBOSE. The example rules
files that come with debhelper do it this way:
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
>  Also, to put a version string into a program, I use:
> VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog 2>/dev/null                               
>            \
>                | gawk -F:                                                     
>    \
>                   '$$1 ~ /Version/    {version    = gensub(/^ */,"",g,$$2)}   
>    \
>                    END { printf("%s_SPI", version) }')

I've definitly considered adding version testing to debhelper. Thanks for
the shell fragmenet. I considered making a dh_checkver, that takes a version
number, and returns 1 if the current version is older - that's let
debian/rules files abort with outdated versions of debhelper. What do you
think of that idea?

> build-stamp:
>       dh_testdir
>       touch build-stamp
>  ... and then I use the VERSION in the C like this:

Hang on, maybe I'm missing something - is the version debhelper's version,
or the version of your package?

see shy jo

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