>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Joey> However, on second thought, using dpkg-parsechangelog is
    Joey> unappetising. Not only does it print out this annoying error
    Joey> message, but it takes a about a second to run. (on a p166)

    Joey> Since debian/rules files that use debhelper typically cal
    Joey> about 20 d_* programs in a package build, that's about half
    Joey> a minute added to the build, along with an appalling amount
    Joey> of ugly messages. I don't know... it's the right thing to
    Joey> do, but it's so ugly...

 Maybe you could do it once, in the "rules" file:

export PKG_VERSION=$(shell dh_parseversion)

 ... and then use it from the environment.  I don't know what to do
 about that error mess.  Is it on stdout or stderr?  Perhaps you could
 have `dh_parseversion' elide it with redirections... piping through
 `gawk' and only grabbing what you need seems to work.  I don't know
 if `expr' is a simpler way yet.  Hmmm.  Does it handle the newlines?

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