>>"Marco" == Marco Budde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marco> Am 27.12.97 schrieb joey # kitenet.net ...

Marco> Moin Joey!

JH> Good grief. Well, it's already in non-free, I guess that's good
JH> enough (since stuff in non-free cannot be safely distributed
JH> unless you examine it's license).

Marco> But non-free is mirrored on several FTP servers in Germany. And
Marco> a child could download the games from a German FTP server and
Marco> this is not allowed.

        True enough. Also, we can't just take the non-us packages and
 stuff them in non-free either; I think non-us and non-duetch are more
 similar than not.

Marco> Maybe we need a special flag in the control files to stopp
Marco> distribution of a program in some countries.

        Umm, no, since then I could not get non-us software from the
 non-us sites (and legitimate german users could not download from,
 say, uk). No mirror program actually looks at the control file, so
 you don't mean just the mirror sites.


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