On Wed, 7 Jan 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 11:34:01PM -0700, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> > In my continuing testing of deity I have discovered a number of packages
> > that had/have a self referencing depends, ie:
> > I just want to be sure that this IS a packaging bug and not something done
> > deliberately. It looks like the packages I mentioned above are fixed in
> > hamm so this only effects bo users and upgrading..
> I suspect a self-referenced "Depends:" is always a bug. However, you also
> reported a bug in the "ddd" package that "Provides:" itself. This type of
> self-reference need not be a bug.

Check the archives, I brought this up for discussion a few months ago and
some ppl fixed their packages but others haven't and 2 more ppl used this
broken system so I filed bugs against them all.

It was generally agreed that it is wrong for a package to provide itself,
this is implicit.
> For instance, take "unzip". The "unzip" and "unzip-crypt" (on non-US)
> packages both provide the virtual package "unzip", so that other packages

Unzip does not need to provide unzip, it IS unzip and will match any
depends for unzip. Only unzip-crypt needs to provide unzip because it
isn't called unzip!

The same is true for the 4 packages I filed bugs against.


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