On Wed, Jan 07, 1998 at 11:49:46AM +0100, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> > > In my continuing testing of deity I have discovered a number of packages
> > > that had/have a self referencing depends, ie:
> > 
> > > I just want to be sure that this IS a packaging bug and not something done
> > > deliberately. It looks like the packages I mentioned above are fixed in
> > > hamm so this only effects bo users and upgrading..
> How does this affect upgrading from bo? I think, deity should support
> these upgrades in a user friendly manner. Otherwise, people will hate
> deity as they hate dselect from the first minute.

        Are we going to support upgrading from any level of previous
        install to hamm? Because the deity problems could be avoided
        by providing new bo-updates versions of packages that have a
        self-referential Depends: -line. Ugly, but it would work (Or
        so it seems). Would policy allow this? Do you think it would
        be too much trouble for upgraders? Why is this text a block?

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