On Wed, Jan 07, 1998 at 06:27:48PM -0500, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > Support of 8-bit characters by default
> > 
> >      Some programs need special configuration options to work 8-bit
> >      clean. This is very important for a lot of non-English users who
> >      need to input umlauts, accented characters, etc. All Debian
> >      packages will be configured to be 8-bit clean by default.
> Hi.
> I would like to question the need for this requirement. 
> While this can be of importance to some users, it can be quite
> annoying to others. What it means is saying "good-bye" to clean
> ascii e-mail, etc. What is more important, *some* utilities,
> "less" most notably, *shouldn't* be 8-bit clean. 

I don't understand that.  Could you explain that?



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /              Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop /
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