On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jan 1998, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > 
> > it is nice property of "less" (as opposed to "more") that it filters
> > out all non-ascii charachters (changes them to some ^... printable
> > sequencies). As a result, it is not possible to trash the console by
> > doing "less <some binary file>" or, more important - if something
> > bad happened and you created a file(s) with some non-ascii charachters,
> > "ls" will trash the console while "ls | less" will show you everything
> > and let you delete it.
> I think that LESSCHARSET=latin1 as default wouldn't trash your console and
> it would show most of what it should show ... 

AFAIK, less already is 8-bit aware, no changes needed. So Alex, don't worry
about that.

Enrique Zanardi                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental                 Univ. de La Laguna

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