On 09-Jan-1998 17:00:04, Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 09, 1998 at 04:30:43PM +0100, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> > The update-cron script could be very simple, like:
> > 
> > #!/bin/sh
> > cat <<EOF > /etc/crontab.tmp
> > # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. It will be overwritten by the update-cron script.
> > # Instead, edit the appropriate file in /etc/cron.d and re-run update-cron .
> > #
> > EOF
> > cat /etc/cron.d/* >> /etc/crontab.tmp
> > mv /etc/crontab.tmp /etc/crontab
> That's far too easy. :)

Yes, that's far too easy, not to mention guaranteed to break existing systems.
> > Advantage: cron doesn't need to be modified
> Disadvantage: Users adding cronjobs might see their jobs removed.
> But as there is a note at the beginning this should be acceptable.

Totally unacceptable.

> > I think there should be no modifications to cron that make Debian
> > incompatible with other unixes, if they can be avoided.
> Seconded.

Why is it bad to have cron read files directly from cron.d, and
acceptable to have it read a crontab that's built from files in
cron.d. In the first case, if I mod crontab, it doesn't get overwritten,
and I have to go to cron.d to modify some things. In the second,
if I mod crontab, it *does* get overwritten, and I have to cron.d
to modify things. What's the difference, except that I'm more likely
to screw stuff up in the second case?


Steve Greenland

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