Your right about AucTeX, heck I've used it many times now.  We did just
switch LaTeX distributions though didn't we?

> > Btw, if you have ever managed
> > to make dvi files with ps images print right through magicfilter, I would
> > love to hear how you did it.
> Is there really a ps2dvi program? Or do you mean the other way round ?

dvips is invoked by magic filter, but the new LaTeX includes standard
packages for including ps graphics.  The .dvi docs for the graphics
package say some additional commands (besides including the graphics
package) may be needed to tell LaTeX what driver you are using (dvips in
this case) since colors and graphics are really implemented there.
Magicfilter has a feature called fpipe which the magicfilter docs state as
being useful for 'programs which require seekable input, such as dvips, or
which need to do multiple passes over an input file, such as grog'.  I
have once read something in the Linux Journal about using multiple passes
to get embedded ps images to print right.  I'll have to dig that up again,
because for me the the images get left out, while all the text (including
captions) appears.  The pictures appear when previewing with xdvi though.
What goes on exactly I do not know.

> Marcus
> -- 
> "Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
> Marcus Brinkmann         
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        for public  PGP Key
>       PGP Key ID 36E7CD09


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