[Removed CC to <debian-mentors>]

[You ("Davide G. M. Salvetti")]
>1) AucTeX has many .el's which should be shipped byte-compiled: should I
>compile them with some specific Emacs flavor or doesn't it matter which
>Emacs I'll use?  (Please consider that, AFAIK, XEmacs comes with its own
>AucTeX, so AucTeX should probably care only about GNU/Emacs; I'm not sure,
>about that, though, mainly 'cause I don't use XEmacs :-).)

Yes sir that is correct at this point.  Word is that eventually XEmacs 
will unbundle a lot of the lisp packages it comes with but for now that 
is the case.  With xemacs19-19.16-1 I have AucTeX v 9.7l.

>3) Current AucTeX package puts its data (.elc's) in /usr/lib/emacs/common;
>should I put them in /usr/share/emacs/whatever_is_more_appropriate or
>something else instead?  (Please, consider FHS and FSSTND, and the fact
>many packages already put stuff in /usr/share.)

I'd leave it where it is.  Or else put it in share and symlink from /usr/
lib/emacs/common.  We'll embrace FHS in 2.1 or so; right now it's FSSTD 
which is stipulated by policy.

>4) AucTeX needs to periodically scan (La)TeX style files to keep itself in
>touch with what one has installed on his machine;  it does this by
>cron.weekly.  Current AucTeX package puts resulting files under /usr
>(precisely just where it puts its data: /usr/lib/emacs/common);  I believe
>I should put things under /var, instead: any comments, please?

Yes, /var/lib/emacs/auctex perhaps?

>5) Current AucTeX package puts its configuration files directly under
>/etc/elisp: is this still good behavior?

Yes, I think so, although Robert Browning was doing some Emacs 20 (?) 
work which would imping upon all this and the byte-compilation issues.

.....A. P. [EMAIL PROTECTED]<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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