Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox <at>> writes:

>> Also on technical merits although more philosophically, with Upstart you're
>> expressing yourself in an event-based DSL rather than writing configuration
>> files. It's pretty generic. But unfortunately, that means it's also not
>> entirely straightforward, and, I believe, easier to get wrong. Scott had
>> some explaining blog posts before he left Canonical that I still find
>> confusing (from the POV of just getting a job file done):
> Since those blog posts were published a coprehensive documentation
> book was written and is constantly kept up to date.

I think you misunderstood me. I was not questioning the documentation here,
I was questioning some of the fundamental design choices that Scott's blog
posts exposed.

While the Upstart team has obviously done good work on documentation, I
guess fixing mistakes in the architecture after the fact is going to be
hard, if it's even on the radar.


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