❦ 24 mai 2013 12:29 CEST, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <x...@debian.org> :

> The best way to run daemons under upstart is in foreground, then
> correct PID is tracked and the complete stdout/stderr is properly
> collected and stored in /var/log/upstart/$job.log (even early boot
> output).

The best way to run a daemon under upstart is by using "expect
stop". This is the one thing I think upstart is better than
systemd. This is really easy to implement in most daemons (one line of
code). Notifying systemd is not really complex but this cannot be done
in one line or without an external dependency.
Keep it right when you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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