Thomas Goirand <> writes:

> I don't understand the OP's post in the first place. What did he need to
> know that wasn't discussed before?

The opinions of all the people who have opinions but are uninterested in
wading through huge threads to express them, don't read debian-devel at
all (the call for survey responses was also sent to Planet Debian), or
have been driven away from any discussion of this topic on debian-devel by
the hostile, aggressive, confrontational, and nasty tone the participants
inevitably take every time it comes up.

In other words, it was an attempt to get feedback from a wider variety of
people in a structured form, rather than unstructured opinions from only
the most vocal and aggressive.  Whether it will be successful or useful is
another question, but it's certainly *understandable*.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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