On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 08:35:52PM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> >Please leave the FUD at the door.  Writing upstart jobs is not difficult;
> >while there are some gotchas currently with process lifecycle (which will be
> >fixed soon), there is also very complete documentation (for these issues,
> >and generally).

> systemd's unit files are still way simpler than upstart job files since
> these are just more or less a simple set of instructions to give
> systemd some hints on how to deal with the targets and services, it
> actually does most of the work automatically without the need of scripts
> at all (which are obviously still required for upstart).

That's patently false.  Upstart does not *require* scripts.  It *supports*
scripts, out of a recognition that C is not always the language of choice for
implementation.  This enables upstart jobs to do things like providing
compatibility with existing, shell-based /etc/default/* files than packages
are already using for daemon configuration; it enables rapid prototyping and
more flexible customization and iteration of upstart jobs for debugging and
development (because unlike the systemd developers, the upstart developers
aren't trying to sell anyone a bill of goods about how their existing units
are perfect and nothing will ever need to be patched downstream).  But there
is nothing in upstart that requires the use of scripts; anything that's done
using 'script' in an upstart job could equally be done with 'exec', or could
be built into a C daemon.

The fact that a set of typical startup operations are handled in upstart by
scripts is a design choice to not hard-code such policy into pid 1.  This
does not in any way speak to the complexity of the job file or unit file

But this is ground that you and I have covered before, so I'm disappointed
to see this claim being repeated.


Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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