Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> In the past, we have had multiple heated discussions involving
> systemd. We (the pkg-systemd-maintainers team) would like to better
> understand why some people dislike systemd.
> Therefore, we have created a survey, which you can find at
> http://survey.zekjur.net/index.php/391182
> Please only submit your feedback to the survey and not this thread, we
> are not particularly interested in yet another systemd discussion at
> this point.

The wording of one of the questions in the survey is problematic.

  What is your general sentiment towards having systemd in Debian (not
  necessarily as default)?  Choose one of the following answers
    [ ] I welcome systemd in Debian, everything is fine
    [ ] I am not sure yet
    [ ] I don't care
    [ ] I don't want systemd in Debian

I realize the words "(not necessarily as default)" are included in the
question.  But that is only parenthetical.  I personally don't mind
having options available that I do not use.  But I don't think this
question is worded to account for this.

If I respond that "I welcome systemd in Debian (as an option for
others to use)" does that mean this will count as a vote toward having
systemd as a default?  If I respond that "I don't want systemd in
Debian (as a default)" will that count as a vote that systemd should
not be available in Debian as an option for others?


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