Bob Proulx <> writes:

> The wording of one of the questions in the survey is problematic.

>   What is your general sentiment towards having systemd in Debian (not
>   necessarily as default)?  Choose one of the following answers
>     [ ] I welcome systemd in Debian, everything is fine
>     [ ] I am not sure yet
>     [ ] I don't care
>     [ ] I don't want systemd in Debian

> I realize the words "(not necessarily as default)" are included in the
> question.  But that is only parenthetical.  I personally don't mind
> having options available that I do not use.  But I don't think this
> question is worded to account for this.

> If I respond that "I welcome systemd in Debian (as an option for
> others to use)" does that mean this will count as a vote toward having
> systemd as a default?

The very next question is about whether you want systemd to be the
default, so I don't think that would be a reasonable interpretation of the
survey results.

> If I respond that "I don't want systemd in Debian (as a default)" will
> that count as a vote that systemd should not be available in Debian as
> an option for others?

That's not an available option.  The option says "I don't want systemd in
Debian" without the parenthetical, which in context would mean that you
don't want the packages to be in Debian at all.  The next question offers
a place to say that you don't want systemd to be the default.

If your position is that you're happy to have systemd be available in
Debian but you don't want it to be the default, I would answer either "I
welcome systemd in Debian, everything is fine" or "I don't care" to this
question and "No" to the next question.  That seemed mostly
straightforward to me, but of course YMMV.

(The shading of meaning between those two options could be clearer.  I
took it as a measure of enthusiasm and personally answered "I welcome
systemd in Debian" because, regardless of whether it becomes the default,
I'm happy to provide systemd unit files for my packages.  If I were
planning on ignoring it completely, I would have answered "I don't care.")

Russ Allbery (               <>

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