On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 09:21:02AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I wonder whether you have further files in mind which should end up in
> debian/upstream/ dir.  Could your please give some reasons why you
> dropped the previously used location, debian/upstream-signing-key.pgp,

Quoting my initial email in this thread:

  Part of the reason I chose to use debian/upstream/ is that an extensible
  location for upstream related information (similar in spirit to
  debian/source/) could be useful.

I received the suggestion from multiple people to use this directory,
presumably for the same reason, which reinforced my existing inclination
to do so.

> in favour of introducing a directory which even conflicts with some
> other file name which is discussed in a DEP-12 without minding any
> discussion.

Quoting my initial email in this thread:

  I also was unaware of (or had
  forgotten about) DEP-12's existing use of debian/upstream, which was
  appropriated around 01/2012 as the new name for

> IMHO, it is simply not the right way to to a grab into the
> name space without dicussion and creating work for your fellow DDs by
> doing so.

Please do not ascribe malice to something that happened out of
ignorance.  Simply because I wasn't aware of DEP-12's usage of
debian/upstream, nor had encountered its use anywhere in the past two
years, does not mean that I intentionally caused this conflict.

If I had known of it, I would have started a discussion.

> For instance:  Do you plan to move the debian/watch file to
> debian/upstream/ dir as well (or not and if not why not?)

I think it would be appropriate to move it there, yes.  I haven't made
any changes in that direction yet because I'd like this discussion to
finalize first.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 09:15:33AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Help is welcome but just helping is not enough.  Just helping would be for
> instance to migrate 50 packages over 300, and tell us to do the rest.  This
> would be worse than doing nothing.
> …
> I personally find peoples attitudes quite brutally top-down confrontational.
> Just because you maintain devscripts or dpkg does not mean that you decide how
> others spend their time.
> …
>  A: Hey, I sent you a trivial patch to 
> s|debian/upstream|debian/upstream/metadata|.
>  B: Thanks, but please do the full migration yourself.

I'm not trying to be confrontational.  I'm trying to do work towards
what I thought you had agreed was an amenable solution as long as
someone does the work.  Having debian/upstream be a directory is
something I think is worthwhile to work toward, which is why I said I
would do that.  However, I'm ignorant of the existing uses of

Andreas mentioned the udd gatherer as something that would need changes
if there were to be a transition.  I therefore provided a patch
spcifically to honor both the existing path and the proposed path so
that the transition doesn't have to be immediate.

I've stated from the start that I would work on a transition, but
without knowledge of what needs to be transitioned (which I'm assuming
you and Andreas have) it's not easy to do that.

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