❦  8 mai 2014 01:11 +0200, Jérémy Lal <kapo...@melix.org> :

>> This is to be compared with the time spent by the maintainer to deal
>> with this problem by adding files or removing files from the source
>> package without affecting the resulting binary package. This may keep
>> some contributors away from Debian.
>> When I get some time to work on my packages and I see this:
>> http://lintian.debian.org/maintainer/pkg-roundcube-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org.html#roundcube
>> Well, I say "Let's do something else, I'll have another look later".
> The situation for roundcube is not that bad... i'm offering to help (in
> the pkg-roundcube repository) ?

Sure, I'll accept your request. Thanks. But there are some other things
to do in the package. I have put a TODO in debian/changelog. That's just
that from a Debian point of view, the problem with the sourceless files
have to be handled first (serious bugs).
panic("Oh boy, that early out of memory?");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/mips/mm/init.c

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