On Vi, 25 iul 14, 13:26:30, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Arto Jantunen writes ("Re: How Debian should handle users requests?"):
> > I don't think reportbug should allow filing bugs against general at
> > all. The extremely rare cases when one is needed can be filed manually.
> Indeed. If the user tries to do so, it should direct the user to a
> support forum.
> As a more radical suggestion, perhaps it should divert the usual
> output email to debian-user ?  Probably we should ask the inhabitants
> of debian-user what they think of this idea...

I can't speak for other subscribers of -user, but IMNSHO a reportbug 
generated mail that at least includes *some* information about the 
reporter's system would be a net gain compared to some posts :-/

Kind regards,
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