On 11/16/2014 at 05:15 AM, Philip Hands wrote:

> Just to clarify, before someone grasps the wrong end of the stick:
> Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> writes: ...
>> of course this subject has now become so sensitive on all sides
>> that some people will probably assume that I'm reporting such a bug
>> because I hate systemd,
> I realise that that makes it sound like I think that systemd (or
> related packages' maintainers) are overly sensitive, or some such.
> What I actually meant was that I assume that the next avenue of
> attack From the more aggressive systemd-haters will be to submit a
> lot of bugs that boil down to something like:  Systemd ate my
> hamster!

I regretfully acknowledge that this is entirely possible.

> One is therefore going to have to be very diligent with bug reports
> that could be misinterpreted as simply being "bitter rearguard
> actions" in order to make it clear that there is no hidden agenda.

I'd just like to note that I would not have interpreted "bitter
rearguard action" as referring to the "systemd ate my hamster!" type of
bug report.

I would, for example, have classified the discussions / arguments in the
"systemd-sysv | systemd-shim" bug which appears to have recently been
resolved by TC decision as being an example of what I thought was being
referred to by the original "bitter rearguard action" reference:
fighting over the implementation details in an attempt to maintain as
much ground for non-systemd as possible.

> It is very tiresome that all this politicking seems likely to have
> knock-on effects on our normal technical processes long after the
> issues are settled.

Arguably, if the politicking is still going on, the issues are in some
important sense still not "settled"; even if/though they are in the
sense that a project decision has been made, that is not the only
possible or necessarily relevant sense of the word.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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