On May 06, Josh Triplett <j...@joshtriplett.org> wrote:

> That said, as mentioned in my response, I think rsyslog ought to stay 
> important
> until something else replaces it.  Logging of *some* kind is important.
We have journald. :-)

> Why, when it's just an "apt install at" away?  It's one more running
> daemon.  Realistically, what fraction of Debian users actually invoke
> at, ever, and of those, what fraction will be deeply disturbed by having
> to install it first?
Very few, I agree. Let's demote at.

> I'd rather have one less daily cron job indexing files for a command
> most people will never run.  Anyone who wants it can trivially install
> it.
The impact on the system is minimal since it uses nice and ionice.
I would rather keep mlocate.


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