Hi all,

for astronomy (and probably for other parts of science) we need to
access data files that are updated from time to time. An example is the
difference between UTC and earth rotation. This data is updated every
week and is needed to precisely calculate the positions of stars on the
sky [1].

What is the best way to keep these data up to date in Debian? An
automated process as written in the pull request [1] is probably not the
right way, since it is a potential privacy violation. One could let the
user manually start the download. However, then he has to keep track of
all these little updates himself (or be educated enough to write
cronjobs, or re-enable the automatic download, which is more that one
could expect from an average scientist). Should one use debconf to ask
the user if he wants automatic updates here?

Best regards


[1] https://github.com/astroplanners/astroplan/pull/67

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