On 25/08/15 09:44, Ole Streicher wrote:
> What is the best way to keep these data up to date in Debian? An
> automated process as written in the pull request [1] is probably not the
> right way, since it is a potential privacy violation.

Hi Ole,

I wouldnt say that it' automatically bad to download current data on a
regular basis, as long as the system administrator *agreed* to do
automated downloads / have the computer talk to the outside world.

>From a system administrator's point of view, the following would be all
right to me:

* When you install the package, debconf asks if you want the automated
upgrades, preferably telling me how often its going to download them and
information about the source. (And I know I can always change my mind
later with dpkg --reconfigure packagename, although this could be
explicitly stated in the dialog).

Take a look at "dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest" for an example.

* The choice is stored in /etc/packagename.conf or similar. A comment
informing that "dpkg-reconfigure packagename" is the easy way to edit
the file might be nice.

* The package installs a cronjob that does loads the configuration file,
and depening on whether auto-downloads are allowed, does the actual
downloading/verification/installing of the files or simply does nothing.

Since this rests on the system administrator being informed about what
the system will do, and giving an explicit OK, I would not consider it a
privacy violation.

I don't know how complicated this is to implement, but do you think it
could be a good design rationale?

- Danny

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