On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 18:25:21 +0100, m...@linux.it (Marco d'Itri) wrote:
>On Jan 02, Joerg Jaspert <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
>> No, /etc can be nicely ro. That is, /, /usr, /etc, ... can be. The log
>> storage and the user homes, as well as a tmp filesystem rw, rest ro.
>> Works nicely, I have 4 of such systems running.
>Just to be clear: on a merged /usr system nothing prevents you from 
>having /home and /var on standalone file systems and keeping the root 
>file system (eventually with /usr on it) read only.

What is the "upgrade path" for an older system that has /usr split
off? Will it just stop being bootable after upgrading?

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