Ben Finney <> writes:

> Barry Warsaw <> writes:
> > Another possible option is Pagure
> >
> Wow, that's an attractive option. Thanks!

Recently reviewed at Linux Weekly News: “Pagure and Fedora”

> > Written in Python and developed by Fedora.
> Apropos the discussions in this thread: [Pagure] uses Gitolite
> <URL:> as its component
> for managing access to repositories.

>From what little I've seen in the architecture documents, it appears
Pagure is quite modular – interoperating service programs with decent
protocols between them – and actively resists the monolithic nature of

Hopefully this makes it rather more attractive to Debian Project sys

 \        “I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day, because |
  `\            that means it's gonna be up all night.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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