On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 09:12:31PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Unfortunately, while they might have done some work to make it available
> on other distributions, they have not taken the time to upload the package
> to Debian.

I'd like to assume that whoever is planning to upload snappy (and I assume
that someone *is* interested) is taking their time to get the packaging right
for our distro and thinking through integration and whole-distribution issues
rather than simply uploading a rush-job to the archive.

I'd actually like to see a wider discussion as to the merits of snappy versus
flatpak (and others) and the pros/cons of supporting (or otherwise) multiple
such things or picking one (or waiting to see whether any get any kind of
real-world traction).

> $ apt show lxd
> N: Unable to locate package lxd
> E: No packages found

I believe Adnan is working on an lxd package (if I remember the ITP correctly).
It is somewhat delayed, but that is largely due to the ITP being squatted by
someone else for a year or so, and I can't blame Canonical for particular
failing (which is a problem with our processes whereby ITPs can be effectively
squatted and contributors put off by others over-promising and under-delivering)

Jonathan Dowland
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