On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 6:01 AM, Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> There's something I've been pondering for a while, along with some
> other folks - it might be useful to do a "jessie and a half" release,
> similarly to what we did in the etch days. That's *basically* just
> like a normal jessie release, but with a few key updates:
>  * backports kernel
I built Reiser4-patched (SFRN 4.0.1) Linux kernel 4.6.2-2 from Debian
source (i.e, 'backport') for Jessie on AMD64.

>  * rebuilt d-i to match that kernel
Did - but upon d-i test installation of Debian Desktop Environment, I
found out it(seems *all* GUIs selected in d-i) has a 'nasty'
dependency on xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse for VMware. Those of us not
on proprietary stuff can purge xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse; however,
action will also remove a couple of task*-related packages. Adding the
Stretch repositories and subsequently installing
xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse, it will bring about plenty of X upgrades.

So *yes*:
>  * X drivers
>  * ... (other things that might be needed for consistency)
> all rolled up with a small installer image build (netinst, maybe DVD#1).
> A lot of arm64 machine users would benefit from this, and maybe owners
> of very recent amd64 machines too, with better support for things on
> the Skylake platform. Those are the only two architectures I'm
> thinking of supporting at this point.
> Is anybody else interested in helping? Thoughts/comments?
> --

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Jose R R
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