On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 04:01:10PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
>>> Is anybody else interested in helping? Thoughts/comments?
>Yes, it's a project I'm already working on ;-)  Is this project a
>candidate for a new Debian Team?

I guess so, yes. :-)

>>  2. Does it have to be called "jessie and a half"? (How much is the
>>     concept understood across users? Wouldn't it be a better idea to
>>     squeeze the "backports" concept into the name somehow?)
>Maybe something like jessie-fresh-unofficial?

I'm definitely *not* thinking of saying this is "unofficial" - I'm
wanting this to be blessed as an additional installation option here.

>On 4 July 2016 at 13:13, Hideki Yamane <henr...@debian.or.jp> wrote:
>>  Just a comment. I don't have any objection for this proposal.
>>  However, not only half but also updates with some point is better
>>  to deliver value for users, I hope it'll be in Stretch cycle.
>>  Recently I've read "lean software development" and it's quite
>>  impressive for me. "deliver value to users" is one of the most
>>  important thing in Debian (it means "do continuous improvement
>>  for stable"), IMO.
>Agreed!  Also, OpenSUSE has been doing this with their post-42.x
>release model.  Mind you, to the best of my knowledge Debian has
>always cherry picked fixes and essential hardware enablement fixes for
>the stable packages (eg: intel-microcode).  This newly proposed Debian
>project seems to be a more aggressive approach...but does it also have
>a client machine focus to the exclusion of servers, or should it serve

I'm more concerned about easy installation on new "client" x86
machines at this point, and for arm64 machines in general as they've
seen massive changes since we released jessie. I don't think x86
server machines are such an issue, but I'm open-minded if somebody
wants to argue otherwise.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"C++ ate my sanity" -- Jon Rabone

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