On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 12:17 AM, Enrico Rossi wrote:

> I saw that the upstream devel of NRSS has deprecated it in favour of
> another software. This has been already reported in the #696302.

This is what the nrss upstream website says:

NRSS has been deprecated. Use Canto in the future. You will *not* be
automatically forwarded.

canto was in Debian but was removed:


Since then it was renamed to canto-ng and new versions were released:


> I'm asking if shouldn't be the case to rise the level of that bug to RC?
> I don't mean the package shouldn't be in the next stable, also we are
> talking about a very small package indeed, but I think that bug is
> pertinent and should be dealt with before the next stable.

Looking at the popcon data, about 7 to 20 people use the Debian
package regularly.

There is no evidence in the BTS of any Debian users of the package,
but there is evidence of one Ubuntu user of the package a long time
ago. They even went to the trouble of providing a patch for the bug
that they found:


The newsbeuter, olive and maybe rsstail packages contain possible
alternatives to nrss.

newsbeuter looks in good shape.

olive is also orphaned and the upstream website and git repo is gone.
A couple of folks were interested in adopting it but no-one responded
so they didn't do anything.

I expect most people reading RSS on the console with Debian now are
using newsbeuter/rss2email/feed2imap.

Probably olive and nrss can be removed from Debian in favour of newsbeuter.



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