[2016-10-24 12:18] "W. Martin Borgert" <deba...@debian.org>
> part       text/plain                 354
> Quoting Tollef Fog Heen <tfh...@err.no>:
> > I'd prefer if user creation was just done declaratively and then we
> > could scan the archive.  If we have a manually-maintained list, it will
> > get out of sync with reality pretty quickly.
> +1 and +1
> It would be nice to have some progress on this:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/Spec/DeclarativePackaging

It may be worth to mention my dh-sysuser debhelper here:

        dh-sysuser provides a debhelper sequence addon named 'sysuser'
        and command 'dh_sysuser', which add into maintainer scripts
        code, that ensures, that
         * required system users are present after package installation
         * unless another package requires same users, they are
           removed on package purge
         * if possible, ensures, that install-purge-install cycle saves
           numeric identifier of users

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