[2016-10-25 10:04] Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
> part       text/plain                2369
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:31:00 +0300, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> > It may be worth to mention my dh-sysuser debhelper here:
> ...
> >      * unless another package requires same users, they are
> >        removed on package purge
> >      * if possible, ensures, that install-purge-install cycle saves
> >        numeric identifier of users
> The Policy bug report about deletion of users
> <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=621833>
> seems to show consensus that packages should lock the accounts of system
> users corresponding to removed packages, but should never delete them.
> Is there a reason why the same rationale doesn't apply to dh-sysuser?
> If not, please change dh-sysuser to lock accounts on removal, and
> unlock on installation.

Thanks for the hint. It is really nice idea.

> dh-sysuser does have the typical disadvantage of debhelper-generated
> maintainer scripts: whenever a bug is fixed in dh-sysuser, packages that
> use it don't get that bug fixed until they are rebuilt (effectively the
> same issue as static linking). Minimizing the amount of logic in the
> actual maintainer script (ideally reduced to just running one helper
> tool with appropriate arguments), and adding a dependency on the
> helper tool that has the actual logic, would mitigate this: perhaps
> that tool could live in the adduser package?

Problem: you can't have asume any tool in post-rm script.

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