At Wed, 26 Oct 2016 13:43:31 +0200,
Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> I've recently received "Dear Customer" spam on a bug of mine. I've
> searched the BTS [1], and there are many, many, many of these spam
> postings in the BTS, see f.ex. [2].
> I think it doesn't make sense to press "this bug log contains spam" on
> each of those pages. Better would be to go directly to the archive and
> delete such posts directly from there.
> I know I have once tried to do that - I think with a bit of advice from
> Don Armstrong but it never went anywhere.
> Has anyone tried to do such a thing yet (methodically clean the bug
> archive of spam)? Where and how could I start such an effort? How would
> I get read/write access to the BTS archive?

Spam e-mails like these that contain a zip with a windows executable
can easily be blocked based on file extension using the foxhole rules
for clamav ( And clamav
can probably also be used to automatically clean the bug archive of
such messages.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Dekkers

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