Hi Don,

On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Hans wrote:
> > What about spamassassin? Wouldn't spamassassin and its databases not be the 
> > better way? I made good experiences with spamassassin on my mail servers. 
> We do spamassassin with a huge set of rules. I don't think we're
> currently using clamav in the BTS, but we are using it for Debian
> mailing lists.

For the record, it would certainly be very welcome. We have many email
providers that reject (and not silently discard) those messages at SMTP
time (including gmail) and we also have many such emails forwarded from
the BTS to the PTS. The result is that many PTS users have been
unsubscribed because of all the mail that we sent them was bounced for 3
consecutive days (see #841061).

I recently deployed a quick hack to teach the PTS to ignore bounces
that look like bounces generated by spam/virus/executable attachment
but it would be better if the BTS did not forward them at all.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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