On Tuesday, November 08, 2016 06:19:36 PM Brian May wrote:
> Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de> writes:
> > Why? Any package currently in testing still has time to enter
> > (until roughly end of this year), so it's not like there is no
> > heads-up for people. And RC bugs don't lead to immediate
> > removal from testing, you still have quite a bit of time until
> > they actually cause removal of a package.
> The problem is if the maintainer is not responding to RC bug reports,
> and you don't realize a package you depend on has RC bugs. This happened
> several times to me during the last freeze.

I seem to get email when a package I maintain is marked for autoremoval 
(regardless of whether it is an issue with my package or an rdepend).  That 
and it showing up on your DDPO Packages overview ought to be enough to be 
forewarned, I would have thought.

Scott K

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