On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 11:05:59 +0100, Christian Seiler
<christ...@iwakd.de> wrote:
>Yes, especially since autoremovals are not instantaneous, but for
>packages with rdeps (and the rdeps themselves) will happen at
>least 30 days in the future - and you will get an email in time.
>(For packages without rdeps it's 15 days. Plus IIRC a week delay
>after a bug was initially marked RC before autoremoval is even
>triggered, but I might be wrong about that last part.)
>30 days within the deep freeze should be plenty enough

I would feel a lot less uncomfortable if the teams who are using
automated tools to auto-file RC bugs for third-rate policy violations
which will auto-remove a (99,99% of the cases) perfectly working
package from testing in a time where a maintainer would probably not
dare to touch his maintainer scripts for fear of creating a really RC
bug which will in turn get the package auto-removed from testing would
refrain from doing their auto-foo during the freeze.

I do appreciate automated tests, and while I think it can be discussed
whether the policy violations found by those automatic tests need to
be RC, I firmly believe that these tools should not be used as a
weapon against packages.

>- and as I
>said: if the problem is more complicated, just talk to the release
>team _while the package is still in testing_.

So you want people to beg if they want their packages in testing. What
is that going to help, aside from demotivating and humiliating people?

>The goal of autoremovals is to provide an incentive for people
>to deal with problems in their packages _early_.

Managerspeak. Even at work I hate people who talk about giving
"incentives" while they actually threaten.

>And as I said previously: if a maintainer of a dependency of yours
>doesn't care: NMUs for RC bugs have a far lower threshold - even
>0-day NMUs are possible if the maintainer is really completely
>asleep. (DevRef 5.11.1)

So this is a method to force people to take additional
responsibilities for dependencies as well in addition to the
responsibilities they have taken voluntarily? Well, _this_ will
clearly motivate people.

Ma "not." rc
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