Marc Haber whined:
>On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 07:37:00 +0000, Niels Thykier <>
>>The release managers may make exceptions to these guidelines as they see
>>fit. *Such exceptions are not precedents and you should not assume that
>>your package has a similar exception*. Please talk to us if you need
>>(Emphasis from original - 3rd paragraph from the top)
>This is a quite nice opportunity to say something like "you haven't
>been nice enough to us in the past or you have dared to speak up when
>you didn't like what we did, so you're free to take a hike with your
>package, have a nice day".

The release team are volunteers, working hard and trying to do the
best thing for Debian as a whole. Insinuations of unfairness and
personal attacks are hardly likely to motivate them to continue to
donate their free time, are they?

>I find that unnecessarily humiliating and will probably not do this
>and rather live without my package in stable for this release.

Or, you know, you could just ensure that your packages are working
well and this doesn't come up?

FTAOD: I thank the release team for their tireless work on making each
Debian release better than the last. We keep on adding more and more
software and making things harder and harder to stabilise and release,
and I 100% support their efforts to improve the process of releasing

I hope that the vast majority of Debian contributors think the same.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
  Armed with "Valor": "Centurion" represents quality of Discipline,
  Honor, Integrity and Loyalty. Now you don't have to be a Caesar to
  concord the digital world while feeling safe and proud.

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