On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 05:13:50AM +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > I don't know a suitable forum for this type of question. And please don't 
> > refer
> > me to the high-traffic ML debian-user, I won't use that one.
> You don't need to subscribe to be able to post. Using one of the
> support channels before sending to d-devel or filing bugs is always
> helpful, because it saves maintainers from having to do the triaging
> in case this is a local user problem.

But almost everybody sends their replies only to the list. Just like you
did. In fact, our mailing list code of conduct[1] explicitly requests
that one not CC the original poster unless explicitly requested. I could
be wrong, and I don't have any data to back up this claim, but I doubt
most people seeking help from the community know about that requirement.
Even if they do, I suspect that most of us will, out of habit, ignore
their request and send replies only to the mailing list.

FWIW, -devel and -user are at about the same volume these days. [2][3]


[1] https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct
[2] https://lists.debian.org/stats/debian-user.png
[3] https://lists.debian.org/stats/debian-devel.png

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