On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 04:51:39PM +0100, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting Wouter Verhelst (2016-12-01 16:24:16)
> > On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 06:10:57PM +0100, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> > > But maybe to talk about this option: what would speak against changing the
> > > "nmu" command of wanna-build to also add an option that allows setting a
> > > timestamp, or even let wanna-build generate that timestamp itself (from 
> > > the
> > > time it processes the "nmu" command) and then pass it to sbuild via a
> > > not-yet-existing --binNMU-timestamp option?
> > 
> > Wanna-build has a "State-Change" date:
> > 
> > wouter@wuiet:~$ wanna-build -A powerpc --info nbd
> > nbd:
> >   Package             : nbd
> >   Version             : 1:3.14-4
> >   Builder             : buildd_powerpc-porpora
> >   State               : Installed
> >   Section             : admin
> >   Priority            : source
> >   Installed-Version   : 1:3.14-4
> >   Previous-State      : Uploaded
> >   State-Change        : 2016-11-21 23:13:18.744533
> >   Build-time          : 9255
> >   CalculatedPri       : 50
> >   component           : main
> >   Distribution        : sid
> >   Notes               : out-of-date
> >   Old-Failed          : -------------------- 1:2.9.23-1 --------------------
> >     fails test suite
> >   State-Days          : 9
> >   State-Time          : 835808
> >   Success-build-time  : 366
> > 
> > Why not use that?
> I don't know wanna-build but this timestamp seems to be architecture specific
> (I see "powerpc" in your paste above)?
> Instead, sbuild should be called with the same input timestamp on all
> architectures when an nmu is to be built.

Hmm, yes. That doesn't fit then.

< ron> I mean, the main *practical* problem with C++, is there's like a dozen
       people in the world who think they really understand all of its rules,
       and pretty much all of them are just lying to themselves too.
 -- #debian-devel, OFTC, 2016-02-12

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