Javier Fernandez-Sanguino:

> The manpage there is provided through man2html conversion.
> ...
> The replacement of the service, which is not yet available,
> will provide the pages in, I hope, a prettier HTML format.

Today I've been playing with an idea about building better HTML
pages from POD files for pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org. You can see
the preliminary results in this proof of concept:


The same could be done for manpages.debian.org and have a nice,
modern, static, responsive website; with [static] search support,
PDF, epub, etc...

It's built with Sphinx and the wonderful sphinx_rtd_theme (both
are already available as stable packages). The only missing piece
would be some man2rst converter, though searching for that gives
several promising results. Let me know if you'd like more details.

Hope this helps!

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