Tomas Pospisek:
> Am 21.02.2017 um 01:55 schrieb Patrick Schleizer:
>> for file_name in /usr/lib/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>> done
>> for file_name in /etc/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>> done
>> for file_name in /home/.config/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>> done
>> for item in $file_list ; do
>>    source "$item"
>> done
> I like this in principle. However, I'd rather make stuff explicit than
> implicit. Implicit means you need to have a priory knowledge, explicit
> means you see stuff. So for the above that would be:
> $ cat /etc/server/main.config
> ...
> # predefined
> include /usr/lib/server/config.d/*.conf
> # system config
> include /etc/server/config.d/*.conf
> *t

That is a great idea! Will try to keep explicit vs implicit in mind.
Explicit is great. I'll be updating this convention proposal when no
more comments come in.

Would you suggest just a single file /etc/server/main.config?

Or should there be also:

- /usr/lib/server/main.config
- /etc/server/main.config
- /home/.config/server/main.config


Should main.config file[s] only contain `include` statements and
comments and nothing else?

Best regards,

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