Am 23.02.2017 um 03:26 schrieb Patrick Schleizer:
> Tomas Pospisek:
>> Am 21.02.2017 um 01:55 schrieb Patrick Schleizer:
>>> for file_name in /usr/lib/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>>> done
>>> for file_name in /etc/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>>> done
>>> for file_name in /home/.config/server-config.d/*.conf ; do
>>>    file_list="$file_list $file_name"
>>> done
>>> for item in $file_list ; do
>>>    source "$item"
>>> done
>> I like this in principle. However, I'd rather make stuff explicit than
>> implicit. Implicit means you need to have a priory knowledge, explicit
>> means you see stuff. So for the above that would be:
>> $ cat /etc/server/main.config
>> ...
>> # predefined
>> include /usr/lib/server/config.d/*.conf
>> # system config
>> include /etc/server/config.d/*.conf
>> *t
> That is a great idea! Will try to keep explicit vs implicit in mind.
> Explicit is great. I'll be updating this convention proposal when no
> more comments come in.
> Would you suggest just a single file /etc/server/main.config?
> Or should there be also:
> - /usr/lib/server/main.config
> - /etc/server/main.config
> - /home/.config/server/main.config
> ?
> Should main.config file[s] only contain `include` statements and
> comments and nothing else?

I'd suggest to use principles as orientation lights, but not as dogmas.

So f.ex. if you have some config file that is not expected to be
modified much (see /etc/* - most of the files there I never touch but,
in good Debian tradition, it's good *to be able* to customize stuff, if
need arises). So the configs that should work in most environments out
of the box could be in one piece - and contain the includes and maybe a
few other things.

On the other hand if you have configs that are pages and pages long
(which converges towards unreadable), or are expected to be extended or
customized heavily - apache comes to mind for both characteristics -
then you probably want to split the config into as orthogonal and
topical pieces as useful. Again, you can see the evolution of this
principle f.ex. with apache which started as a single config file and
today has quite a nice separation of concerns into different subdir.d's.

There are other examples of the latter principle f.ex. in Debian's
nginx' layout, which I consider very well done, or Debian's exim config,
which I consider non-understandable without a nuclear physics degree and
multiple years of study. (I am also the kind of person who thinks that
maybe systemd has surpassed exim in that regard and entered a whole new
dimension, maybe of a string theory quality, a place that only sendmail
enlighteneds are reported to have seen before. I have not much studied
selinux yet though, which has been created by some of the brightest
cryptographers of our time I hear).

Have a look around in /etc on desktop machines and on servers and have a
look at those configs that are ugly, uncomprehensible or beautiful and
intuitive and try to determine what the reasons for the beauty or
ugliness are.


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