(Reply-to points at me, I doubt there's any need for much discussion.
If you disagree, tweak you headers accodingly.)

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 02:06:17PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 01:00:03PM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> > From: Lee Garrett <deb...@rocketjump.eu>
> > To: 829076-cl...@bugs.debian.org
> > Subject: close
> > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
> >  Gecko/20090817 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/
> > 
> > close
> Why?

Timeline of this bug:

* John Muir reports problem on his computer (GUI freeze, details
  irrelevant right now).
* Abou Al Montacir responds and tries to help.
* Lee Garrett responds as well, suggesting one of the Debian support
* John Cuffs tells Lee to "shut the fuck up", and quotes a spam that
  isn't visible (anymore?) in the bug log.
* Lee closes ticket.

To me this looks like behaves like an unpleasant person, and Lee
possibly confusing the two Johns with each other and closing the
ticket under the assumption that John Muir doesn't want to be helped.

In any case, I think Lee's first response is correct: the BTS isn't
the best place to diagnose the problem. If a diagnosis is done and a
reasonble culprit is found, an more realistically actionable bug
report should be opened, and until then, closing this one seems OK,
even disregarding John Cuffs's attempt to moderate the discussion.

While I have your attention: it's February 26, and Sunday, so you
should make a backup today and then verify that it works.

I want to build worthwhile things that might last. --joeyh

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