On Tue, 19 Sep 2017, Marc Haber wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2017 21:53:43 +0200, Alexander Wirt
> <formo...@formorer.de> wrote:
> >On Mon, 18 Sep 2017, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> >> I have managed mailman installations for some time so I'm fairly familiar
> >> with how it works, and have some time from November onwards to work on
> >> this which I hope would be enough time to develop and implement a migration
> >> plan. I'm CCing the alioth and DSA teams so they are aware of this.
> >Do you have infrastructure for running it? 
> How high are the requirements (CPU-, Memory) wise? I guess that one of
> those 5 Euros a month VPSses with 50 Gig Disk and 8 GB RAM would not
> be enough?
> Unfortunately, my own virtualization box that has ample free resources
> does not have IPv4. Would it be possible to have a Debian.org host
> relay messages coming in via IPv4? Do we have a chance to share spam
> filtering resources with lists.debian.org?
> I don't see running the Mailing list server the biggest challenge.
> Providing an acceptable spam filter is.
Yes, I would be able to create such a system in a few hours. Running it does
take much more ressources.


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