
On Sun, Mar 04 2018, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

> Le mardi, 27 février 2018, 14.13:41 h CET Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a
>écrit :
>> tl;dr: a new package format is needed, with a new non-suite-specific
>> repository is needed to bring the Debian added-value to these
>> ecosystems.
> FTR, my current line of thought and understanding is that guix or nix
> do pretty much what is needed here, and it would be silly to start
> something from scratch.
> I plan to spend some brain time playing with guix and report back; I'm
> aware of:
> * https://bugs.debian.org/850644 for guix
> * https://bugs.debian.org/877019 for nix
> * Diane Trout's efforts 2 years ago on
> https://github.com/detrout/debian-guix

AIUI the guix repositories care more about including only free software
than the nix repositories do.  That might be a reason for us to prefer

Thank you for investigating these options!

Sean Whitton

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